Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Camping Trip Dinner - BBQ chicken

My friends and I do a sometimes-annually-sometimes-biennial float trip on the Buffalo River in north central Arkansas and this year there was no shortage of great food. For dinner Friday night, Grant fixed a delicious meal of BBQ chicken, rice, rolls, and corn. It was so good I had to share the recipe with everyone!

When camping, you have to improvise since campsites usually do not come equipped with a full kitchen (too bad). Before the trip, Grant purchased a Dutch Oven from Wal-Mart . This is a great investment. Not only can you cook just about anything in the Dutch oven, but you can use the underside of the lid as a skillet for bacon, eggs, etc! One thing to note is that the Dutch oven does not come with a lid-lifter. You have to purchase it as a separate item and I think it would come in handy with this recipe.

Grant found the recipe on camprecipes.com. This is a great website for people who want to cook something a little more than hotdogs while camping.

Here's the recipe
  • 2 to 4 chicken breasts
  • 1 bottle of favorite BBQ sauce
  • 1 can cherry Coke
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • butter or oil
  • salt and pepper
Warm up Dutch oven over direct fire (Grant spread some Crisco in the oven before placing it on the fire, I would recommend doing this)
With a little butter or oil, saute the garlic until golden.
Pour in coke and half a bottle of BBQ sauce.
Place chicken in the mixture and fully submerge (you can do this ahead of time in a ziplock bag)
Cover and place hot coals on the lid of the oven and cook for 30-45 minutes (check the chicken at the end of the time to make sure it's fully cooked).

In all of the hustle and bustle of fixing dinner in the dark/trying to chase away raccoons, the Cherry Coke was left out. However, I do not think this took away from the dish at all.

Place coals on top of the Dutch Oven. Be careful!

Checking on the chicken.

To cook the corn, just place it on the coals for 3-5 minutes, rotating a couple of times.

So good!

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