Saturday, September 26, 2009

Football Brownies

These brownies are perfect for any football occasion because you can customize them for whichever team you are cheering! Next time I think I'll make them specific for the razorbacks and write "Go Hogs" or maybe "Go Lynx" for my college's team (but let's be serious, when did I ever go to a Rhodes game?).

I made these brownies for the Arkansas v. Georgia game last Saturday (we won't talk about the score...depressing). I was going to make the Razorback cookies again, but on Wednesday decided I wanted to try something different. So I started my search for a football cookie cutter. I called two stores who both told me that they did not have football cookie cutters, but did have Easter egg cookie cutters. I have an Easter egg cookie cutter and knew that it DID NOT look like a football, so I said sorry I'll call somewhere else. I was about to give up hope when I called Vanness. I should have called this store in the first place because they always have what I need. Remember the fish cake I made for Ben's birthday? This is where I got the cake mold after searching and searching other stores.

These brownies are totally semi-homemade. Sandra Lee would be proud. I used box mix (dun dun dun). Two boxes of Duncan Hines to be exact. I was in a rush to buy the chocolate icing, so I grabbed a container only to later find out that what I thought said "Triple Fudge Chocolate" was actually "Triple Fudge Chocolate Chip", so those are not air bubbles in the icing, but chocolate chips! The white icing is also store bought. I will be honest, if I had unlimited amounts of time, then I would have made everything from scratch, but sometimes things just don't work out.

Since brownies tend to crumble when trying to ice them, I put the chocolate icing in the microwave for 15-20 seconds, then more or less poured the icing over the brownies and let it spill over the sides (yummy). I put the white icing in an icing bag and used a small-ish tip to make the stitch marks. These were a huge hit at the tailgate and I will definitely be making them again!

Oh and just for kicks...

This is an Easter egg. ------------------------ This is a football.*
Obviously not the same thing!


1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say, I made these last weekend for the ole miss/bama game. The game didn't work out so well, but the brownies were a hit! Thanks so much for the recipe, keep up the good work! - Lucy Coolidge
